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Wills & Probate 

Planning for the future is often an overwhelming task. However, ensuring that a valid Last Will and Testament (Will) is in place can not only allow for peace of mind, but it can help to eliminate the burdens of additional stress and costs for to family and other beneficiaries, should the unexpected happen.


We always aim to present you with the relevant factors to consider in to making a will or administering a person's estate.


For international individuals who die with assets in the Federation of Saint Kitts-Nevis, our team can assist with obtaining probate in the Federation and, in certain circumstances, avoid the need to make a standalone application for a grant of probate in the Federation by resealing a grant instead.


Our experienced Attorneys can provide the following services:

  • Preparation of a will

  • Reviewing and updating an existing will

  • Administration of estates and obtaining grants of representation

  • Drafting and administration of trusts

  • Powers of Attorney

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